Green Daily

Healthy meal kits delivery services

Healthy meals

Fresh and Local

We have a vast selection of nutritional supplements, bulk foods, home goods, and beauty products. We have a wide variety of non-GMO, gluten free, wheat free, low sodium, and low sugar foods.

Seasonal Products

We work with chefs to refine its menus that include more than 30 nutritious meals per week that are ready to re-heat in three minutes. They do all the preparing, cooking, and delivering for you.

Free Delivery

We have been around for a long time. Our brand draws from varied cultural influences to develop its recipes and there are plenty of choices for folks with dietary restrictions.


  • Meal 2
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    Sale price
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Meal 1
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Smoothie
    Regular price
    Sale price
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out


A space dedicated to organic products, whether food and cosmetics

Any healthy food you need this is the place to get them and fresh. A market also for vegetables spices and whatever you need at home.


This place has personality and there is a diverse range of fresh products that can be found here. I really enjoy the experience. They do delivery too!


Which i must pass by everyday to get to work, it is so beautiful to witness vendor decorate their stalls with fresh fruits and vegetables!
